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Kingdom: Christian End Times Fiction (The Two Witnesses Book 1)
This is the story of supernatural power that challenges a world trapped in terror and tribulation.
Two people embrace their identity as carriers of the life-altering power of the King of the Universe, the King who they believe literally lives inside them. Out of that belief come miraculous signs and stunning wonders.
How can such power be wielded by two ordinary people? The answer is clear—two answers, opposing responses. These two people are either servants of demons or they are coworkers with angels.
Elijah Kimani and Miram Law have saturated themselves in the Spirit of Jesus. This is the same Jesus who raised the dead, walked on water, and calmed a storm. The two witnesses are dedicated to the revelation that this Jesus is alive and well on Planet Earth. And that he has remedies for a terrifying age.
Their mission will undermine the principalities and powers all over the world and will inspire religious and political organizations to oppose them. Even plot to kill them.
But, then, that was what the authorities did to Jesus of Nazareth.
The People Who Entertain Angels (Sophie Ramos Book 4)
Her divine gift has become a life-changing force in the celestial war, leading her team to a series of triumphs. Yet, with each revelation of the spiritual realms, Sophie discovers the vast expanse of the unknown and the limits of her sight.
The People Who Entertain Angels delves into the heart of spiritual warfare, the conquest of new frontiers, and the unyielding onslaught of an age-old adversary. It is a testament to the shield of faith and the triumph awaiting those who remain steadfast in their trust in Jesus.
Members of Sophie’s cadre, each uniquely endowed, confront their own demons as they strive for the emancipation of the afflicted. United, they face a profound truth: the most dangerous foe is the one that dwells among them.
Embark on a journey with Sophie and her companions. Witness their struggles, share in their victories, and experience the hope of the faithful who confront the forces of darkness.
About Jeffrey McClain Jones

About Jeffrey McClain Jones

As a small boy in Lincoln, Nebraska, I listened enrapt to my grandmother reading me children’s stories, such as The Little Engine That Could. I also recall the elementary school librarian who read us Winnie the Pooh, imitating all the voices. And I remember the first summer I was allowed to ride my bike to the library on my own.
Writing started for me in school. Teachers encouraged me to pursue what they perceived as a gift. For me, my imagination was a challenge as much as a gift. I found the real world so much less enthralling.
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Christian Spiritual Warfare Suspense Series
Christian Inspirational Fiction Series
Christian Futuristic Fiction Series
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Women's Christian Fiction
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